language & writing

I am a language tutor with an incurable writing habit.
A linguist with a lifelong love of words.
When I’m not writing, I get my language fix through giving tuition in French & Spanish but some years back I decided that, rather than just pouring my stream of consciousness ramblings into a pile of dust-gathering journals under the bed, I should perhaps do some more organised writing too.
My work has been published in Woman Alive, magnet, Premier Christianity, a couple of international charity journals as well as some local publications. I also do some website writing and press work for the wonderful youth charity CCYS. On top of this, I am very excited to be part the team of volunteer editors at magnet magazine.
In 2020 I was a runner-up in the BRF reflection writing competition and since then have written two series of reflections for their publication Bible Readings for Older People. I also had the privilege of ghostwriting a full-length autobiography (published 2022) and am available for further commissions.
Oh yes. And that pile of journals under the bed?
Still growing.

Sample work
There's nothing wrong with being ordinary
Find me on Instagram: clareodriscollwordsandimages